App Development: Focus on what you do best, Outsource the Rest!

App expert and coach Aman Birdi helps startups and growth stage businesses create apps to connect with customers and generate new business. Aman realized early on that starting a business is easy, but growing it is much more challenging. Aman decided to take his business seriously and joined Coaching University.

Problems Faced Before Coaching University

Before coming to Coaching University, Aman experienced a few common problems that kept his business from growing to the six figures it is today: money blocks and lack of clarity on how to generate leads and what to offer.

Aman's money blocks caused him to believe that he did not deserve money, and if it came to him, it would just go right out the door.

How we think about money can make or break our financial success. Many of us hold limiting beliefs about how much we deserve, leading us to feel undeserving of wealth. By adopting a new mindset that you deserve abundance, you can attract more wealth into your life and keep it that way for a long time!

How Coaching University Helped Solve the Problems

The Coaching University helped Aman get unstuck from his negative thoughts around money, overcome fears, limiting beliefs, and self sabotaging behaviors, so he could attract more wealth into his life. As a result, today he is a multiple six figure earning.

It is not unusual for small business owners to want to offer multiple solutions and serve a wide range of people. The best approach for a new business owner is to focus on doing one thing really well and keep it simple. This helps build a strong foundation that will boost your business exponentially in the long run.

Coaching University helped Aman clearly define what he does, who he serves, how to find them, and what results he could provide. With this knowledge and clarity, Aman was able to develop an effective, yet simple lead generation system, with a clear message and compelling offer that consistently attracts his ideal client.

How We Can Help You

With clarity and a positive mindset gained as a result of being in the Coaching University, Aman is now making more money, working less, giving more, and spending more time with people who matter most. Akbar often says, “Focus on what you do best, and outsource the rest.” Aman consistently practices this in his business.

Business owners are often hampered by limiting beliefs and a lack of a straightforward process, message, and offer. Coaching University and Akbar's principles can be applied to all aspects of growing businesses, including mindset and other important business fundamentals. If you're struggling with limiting beliefs and seeking to clarify and simplify your message and offer, take advantage of our free, no-obligation, 45-minute VIP call. We'll walk you through your situation, helping you figure out exactly what you need and where you want to go.

Helping Coaches live the life of their dreams and give more than they ever though possible.

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